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How an Average Single Mom Generated $118,000 in Revenue!


Yeah, I know that sounds like total B.S., but the story is true. Read below to discover how this “technophobic” Mom of a teenager pulled it off.

So let me set the stage:

Linda was a single Mom that needed extra income. She became an affiliate and posted videos and links on social media and made passive income.

Linda discovered the Flat Fee MLS Listing sector and that the number of property owners that wanted to “Sell by Owner”.  The For Sale By Owner sector was increasing exponentially due to this new era of simplified digital financial processes.

She discovered TONS of people wanted to list their homes on their own in order to save THOUSANDS of dollars in real estate commissions, but unfortunately they needed access to list their homes on the MLS (which only a broker or agent can do).

So she signed up to be an affiliate on Flat Fee 

Now, Linda spends a few hours per day Posting on social media with her personalized link. It’s simple and all she does is explain how flat the MLS listing works and saves sellers thousands of dollars.  

It’s a perfect situation! Linda makes great money, and home sellers save thousands of dollars in commissions! It’s truly a win-win for everyone involved! 

Can you copy and paste?

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Fill Out This Form Right NOW and Get started!

Don’t think this is possible for YOU? We’ve been doing this for years for our marketing. It’s 100% doable for everyone, and we will coach you for success! (Even Realtors can sign up!!)

PLUS… It’s FREE to join us (for a limited time, so hurry!)

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Make Easy Residual Income!

Sign Up – Get A Link – Share it and Get Paid!

Marketing Fees Paid
Basic Package $199: You Earn $34.82
Enhanced Package $299: You Earn $52.32
Full Service Package $1200.00: You Earn $210.00


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Once we’ve approved your application, you will be a confirmed Affiliate of LOMLSFF. You’ll be able to share your link anywhere and everywhere!

Visit your dashboard and keep track of your earnings here: